Friday, December 30, 2011

My Rant

Now I should warn you all before you read the rest this is a rant. Theses opinions expressed are my pure and honest opinion if it offends you or you disagree then please press the large X on the top right of your screen. Thanks you and enjoy! 

I have been sitting here looking at this blank web page for about 10 minutes now. I have been trying to formulate in my mind how to start this rant. I have had many ideas but none have rally stuck in my mind. That of course is not to say that I don't know what I want to say because i surely due. The way you start something is the way you should and chances are will finish something. Just like life. You start out your life with your family and hopefully you are lucky enough to end this way.
My friend have been going through a patch of drama.. we to be honest its more than a patch. I sometimes times think that people in general thrive off of drama. That adrenaline rush you get when you are tell a secret behind someones back. I think people do that because they want to feel something. They are scared that they might go numb is they do not feel something at ever moment. This of course is not totally all there fault. Society has "helped" us realize that that all that matters feelings. In real life though feeling come and go. They are just fleeting glances. Things that yes matter some what but there is more to life than feelings you must also have logic. The best example of this is your relationships with your parents. Have you ever been mad at your parent? How did you feel about them when you were little? You thought they could do no wrong and they were really smart. How about in your teens? You would fight with them or think you know more right? Well how about when they are old and gray and you have to take care of them? Will you still FEEL the same way you did when you were a teen of when you  were little? No you wont.  When we let our feeling run away with us we than fall into drama.. and so we have come full circle.
The Drama I mentioned earlier with my friends has to do with relationships. (the boyfriend/girlfriend type) Like in most high school relationships there is drama.  I honestly don't care much for drama sure it happens to and around me sometimes but I do not try to be a part of it. So naturally I didn't really get involved with the drama that is going on with  my friend until of course it got way way out of hand. i then did something maybe not so smart but whatever. I called the boy involved and had a long talk with him about how life is not about having a relationship. This concept was foreign to him as it might be to you so I will repeat it again... LIFE IS NOT ABOUT HAVING A RELATIONSHIP!! It not about having a boyfriend/girlfriend and finding satisfaction in that.... that will never satisfy you. This boy is the kind of friend who is straight up with me and i with him. I asked him a honest question that I will now ask you.... Would you be content being single?...... you know in your heart of hearts you have that true answer. He answered " well I had been single for 2 years before 'jane'... but honestly I don't know"  You see life is not about that. Yes having a boyfriend is nice I have even had a few in my time but I soon found out I was not ready. I have learned over the years that when you are content being single that's is when you are most ready for a relationship. When you throw up you hands and say you know i don't care if i find Mr. Right. That is where you find Mr Right. Single by Natasha Bedingfield has become my theme song.
Well this rant is now coming to a close so I leave you with this one last thought enclosed in this picture below.


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