Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Are there animals in heaven???

This question came up one day when i was talking with  a friend at church. In youth we are also talking about heaven and hell so i had to write about.
I can see it both ways so i will give both point of views and let you decide for yourself. I will also try to support each view point with a couple quotes  from the Bible. But in the next few days i will try to explain each view point. But know that i am leaning towards animals in heaven because i love my puppy haha

Friday, October 16, 2009


Some times i wonder if life is really worth all of the pain. But then i think well yea dugh it is. I mean we are serving the God of the universe. How insane is that!!! And although pain hurts we still learn from it. Like the saying what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. In a lot of ways it is true. But i also think that whatever doesn't kill us makes us smarter. Life is so delicate in a blink of an eye it is over. And news flash you can't go back. You can't become a ghost and finsh all of your unfinished business. Doesn't that scare you just a little? People say live in the moment and don't worry about the future in some ways i don't believe that. Yea you should live life to the fullest but also i think you should be prepared for when Christ comes back. Yea you should not be fresking out about what is to come but you should plan for the future and trust that Papa has a really sweet plan for you. Also if you worry about what is to come its like you don't trust God to not lead you to evil. (note i did not say pain or heart break) Because like i said before what does not kill you makes you smarter.

i will pray for all who read this. I will pray that the Lord will give you peace all of your days and bless you.