Saturday, October 1, 2011

To be... adventurous

                 I know that sometimes I wish life was more adventurous. Its true, wouldn't life be much more exciting with more adventure along the way? Adventure is what is the heart of all life. The greatest adventure there is to live begins with simple acceptance. Accepting Christ. Many put this down, they say that those who accept Christ live a "boring" or "protected" life, but in all actuality Christianity is what true adventure is all about. 
                 Is rebellion adventure? I do believe so, that's what gets our hearts racing and our blood pumping. Christianity is not a religion (yes, its a relationship...) but more than that, it is a rebellion against the world and its standards. Anyone can trash a hotel room and get drunk, but Christianity, now that's true rebellion. And thus, it is adventure. It makes your heart race sometimes. It is the most exciting journey you could ever take. Because God is always faithful, but excitingly unpredictable at times.


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