Friday, August 26, 2011


Red, the color of reality, romance, and redemption. With God's pure scarlet blood we have been redeemed. I guess that's one reason I love this color. Maybe I also love it because red is the color that starts a rainbow. From red comes orange and then yellow and green, blue, and purple. A rainbow, a symbol of promise and full of such color. In fact, my next few posts will be all about that. color. The gift God has given us. Do we truly realize that there is no way to describe color? You have to see it to comprehend its beauty. That's why I believe in heaven there will be so many new colors. So many new things to see and comprehend. One color is painted upon so many things. For instance red colors roses, maple leaves, tomatoes, cardinals, and even butterflies. One color, yet so many things come alive by it. Stay posted for more color.


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