Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Purple - Magestic Beauty

                       Sweet cicadas sing in the tree tops, as the sun makes its last appearance for the day. It sets into the distance and sends bright shades of lavender and indigo throughout the sky. And for a moment, the color purple paints over a once blue sky and sends a spell of beauty throughout the countryside.
                       Purple. Majesty.  Beauty. Royalty. This is what purple is to me, a color full of richness. It colors grapes, butterflies, lilacs and orchids, and occasionally even some dinosaurs (okay that was corny...) But in the end, this color was made for our enjoyment just like the others, maybe even more so. So here as I come to a close of all my rambles about colors, hope you enjoyed it! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blue - Our World

                 Imagine with me, our earth, 7,962 miles in diameter, 6,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 (6.5 septillion) tons, and 70% water. This is all too much for our minute minds to understand, and yet for God, the creator of all, this is simple 1+1 math. I just know when I think of our big blue planet, and the the 7 billion people out there, that God, well He must be in the midst of it all.
                 My word, our big blue planet is just a tiny blue dot from far away. Now, I must be honest, out of most the colors out there if I could predict a favorite of God, it is most likely blue. I mean, He painted the water and sky blue, and fish, flowers, and fruits. He must love blue. From the skies high to oceans deep... its all blue.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Green - Nature's Glowth

          Birds chirp, soft winds rustle through high green grasses, sweet smells waver through the air. The air is crisp, the day is fresh, all is peaceful and quiet in the lush meadows. This is my color.
          Wouldn't we just love a day in the green fields of Ireland? I have to honest, I think that green is probably one of God's favorite colors. When we look at the world, we see that the grass, the trees, the flowers, the leaves, fruits, vegetables, iguanas, parrots, there are just so many things that are green and fresh. When I think of green I tend to think of growth. Life. When things are watered and fresh, that's when they're green and full of life. That's the ideal. Yes, the world is typically never ideal, however we always have God to remind us what is.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Yellow - Freedom

                   Its a bright sunny day. On the beach, yellow umbrellas and colored towels are speckled along the coast line. The ocean glimmers in the bright sun and friends run out to play in it's waves. An aroma of coconut oil and sun-tan lotion fills the balmy breeze and the summer air. School's out and there's nothing left to do but lay out in the sun and relax.
                   We are blessed. Here we are, spending our time relaxing in freedom. Nothing's tying us down, no homework, stress, crazy schedules to deal with, its just summer. For me yellow is freedom. Its bright and seems to warm me just by looking at it. Its the summer breeze in my face, the salty sting of the ocean's wave. Its warm yellow, bright and beautiful and everything in between.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Orange - A New Day

           On the African horizon the sun starts to rise. All is night and then in a second, a single ray of light is cast forth into the sky. As the sun rises higher, the sky becomes a golden orange, and a new day begins.
           Don't you just love fresh starts and new days? Its like you can begin again. Orange for me represents new beginnings. Its the color seen at every sunrise, in the leaves of autumn trees, or even the stripes of a great tiger. Orange.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Red, the color of reality, romance, and redemption. With God's pure scarlet blood we have been redeemed. I guess that's one reason I love this color. Maybe I also love it because red is the color that starts a rainbow. From red comes orange and then yellow and green, blue, and purple. A rainbow, a symbol of promise and full of such color. In fact, my next few posts will be all about that. color. The gift God has given us. Do we truly realize that there is no way to describe color? You have to see it to comprehend its beauty. That's why I believe in heaven there will be so many new colors. So many new things to see and comprehend. One color is painted upon so many things. For instance red colors roses, maple leaves, tomatoes, cardinals, and even butterflies. One color, yet so many things come alive by it. Stay posted for more color.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Rainbow

                     A rainbow. What is the first thing that comes to mind for you when you hear this? For me I think of color, God's promises, Noah's arc, nature, well everything you would typically think of when the a rainbow is mentioned. For me, a rainbow is kind of like a kiss from God. Whenever I see one, I know I am loved. I am reminded that God will never flood the earth again, and that yes, He keeps His promises. But more than that, there is something very important we can learn from the rainbow. Rainbows, like our life, are only present with sunshine and rain. We can't see the beauty of God's plan until we see it in the rain and trials as well as the good times. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


              Flowers bloom. Sweet smells of fruit waver through the air. Green trees and golden sun. Everything beautiful. Yes, we all know the sad story. We had it all, a beautiful Eden with God walking with us and amongst us, and yet we ruined it. From there we move on and tend to forget what Eden must have been like. So now let's go back. What was it like before sin defiled the earth? God put Adam over all animals and fruits. Everything lived in harmony. Mosquitos didn't bite, thorns didn't exist, snakes didn't slither, and mankind never worked, yet only walked with God continually in the garden. It was then God spoke to us saying,

“I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.”

            Everything on earth glorified God. There was no pain, and no indignity, for it was said,

"Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame."

            All was beautiful. There were rivers clear as crystal, it was a heaven made for us and the Lord to bond in. There were no sicknesses or germs, no headaches, colds, influenza, only perfection. Green fields and flower beds were our home, nor caves or caverns were needed to keep us warm, neither clothing not animals skins.
            Innocence was all we knew, for all we had to know was God. We were the inseparbale match. Yes, we blew it, but one day we'll come back to this kind Eden, and this time we won't blow it. It will be glory... forever and once again we'll walk with God in the gardens of heaven. Happily. Ever. After.

Check out this song by Phil Wickham ----> Eden

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bucket List - Live Foreign

5. Live in a Foreign Country (for at least a month)
               Whether it be living in a third world country with missionaries, or back-packing through Europe, living in a foreign land has always been a dream of mine. Experiencing new cultures and cuisines, learning new languages, viewing new art and architecture, all come with the adventure of living in a new place. I have never been outside the USA so that may be why I really want to go. 
            I absolutely love America, but new cultures excite me! I don't think we should go through life stuck in a box. It would be nice to get out and explore the world and the people that live there. There are at least 6,500 languages in all the world and therefore so many ways to communicate. Now while living abroad, it might also be nice to learn a language in this case. Whatever the case, I'm sure that an experience living in a different nation will have a lasting effect on how you view the world and its people.

This will be my last article about my bucket list although I do have many more things on it. Here is a little taste of what else is on it.

  • Go to Hawaii 
  • Ride in a Taxi 
  • Travel to Germany
  • Learn Sign Language ( I do know some though) 
  • Learn how to ballroom dance
  • Go to a drive in movie
  • Go see NASCAR (I know very redneck)  

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bucket List - Go Ballooning

4. Go on a Hot Air Balloon Ride
                 Now I am terrified of heights. I can't even do the ropes course at camp without breaking down. But for some odd reason gliding through the sky in a basket attached to a balloon doesn't seem so bad... in a way, it reminds me of the movie Up. The idea. How surreal it must be to see the houses below you shrink as you sail higher into the great blue, all the while attached to a giant colored balloon. When I do finally go "ballooning"  I have two specifications for the trip:
      1. I'm going to choose an exotic place to fly in. I don't want to simply settle for floating above cornfields and rural towns, but instead I'd like a place full of mountain tops and rivers, waterfalls and ravines... maybe somewhere like New Zealand or Hawaii. 
      2. I'm not going alone. I mean, imagine with me, you're soaring up, up, up, and away into the clouds, over the crests of mountain tops and the plummeting rage of waterfalls, and yet you have no one to share the experience with. Such a downer. Therefore, I'm taking someone with me. Whether its my best friend, sister, or the love of my life, this experience would not be the same it it were not with someone you love.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bucket List - Fall Through the Sky

3. Go Sky-Diving or Bungee Jumping
       Now, the idea of sky-diving has not always horrified me like it does now. When I was a child, I'd always thought the idea of sailing through air and landing gracefully in a field sounded like such an exciting experience. As I grew older, I became more aware. Now when I think of sky-diving, I visualize myself falling through the sky and pulling my parachute too early. Or the parachute not working and... well Let's just say things have changed. 

             You may be wondering, "If it horrifies you so much, why is it on your bucket list?" Well, to that I say... I'm really not sure. Maybe I think that although it seems beyond scary, its just something you have to experience in life. Maybe its the fact that many other people have it on their bucket list, so I probably need it on mine too. I just want to prove to myself I'm not chicken. In any circumstance, I'm sure the first time you sky-dive it must be exhilarating or people wouldn't love it so much. I mean, think about it, you're falling through the sky watching the land below you get closer and closer... falling, falling, falling, and then... POOF. Your parachute opens and you're on the ground. The whole experience seems a little over-whelming. I think I'll take my time getting to this one on my bucket list.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bucket List - Visit Iceland

2. Take a Vacation to Iceland

           Yes, as random as it may sound, I absolutely love Iceland. Now I never have really even thought of going there till I saw the pictures. It looks kind of like Ireland, but with a twist of Canadian weather, and of course, it also has auroras! (how perfect!) Anyways, for all you out there reading this here are 5 interesting facts about Iceland.

1. Iceland has the highest literary rate in the world
2. Iceland is located about half-way between New York and Moscow
3. Iceland is know to be the 4th happiest country in the world (I'd fit in there!)
4. Life expectancy is 81.3 years for woman and 76 years for men, one of the highest life expectancies in the world!
5. Icelandic language has been virtually unchanged in the last 1000 years 

              Think me weird, but I just feel that this country has been a bit forgotten. Maybe that's why I love it so much. For some reason, I have always had a heart for things that are forgotten, concealed from the world. Iceland's kind of like a hidden treasure. It may be overlooked but I'm sure when you visit it, its quite beautiful. Life is sometimes like that. There's times in life where the most beautiful things are veiled from our view. Our life may seem to have no "sparkle" (I know mine feels like that sometimes) yet God made our life beautiful, even when it seems to be unseen at times. God works in the unseen.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bucket List - See an Aurora

   I hope everyone reading this has started a "bucket list", a list of things to do before you die. If not don't worry, you still have plenty of time! Anyways, I have started a "bucket list" and through the next few posts I'll be explaining some of the things on my list. Now, I'm not going to bore you with the basics... (such as getting married, having kids, etc...) but I'll give you some insight into my mind and some unique things I'd like to do before I die. So let me get started.

1. See an up-close Aurora
                Now I'm not quite sure if any of you really know what an aurora is. It has also had the common name of "northern lights". Aurorae are absolutely breathtaking. The idea of colors moving and inter-twining in the night sky has always sent shivers down my spine. In a way, its kind of like a rainbow, of course, without rain and continually changing and sculpting in the velvet night. Although I've never experienced this beauty up close, it has always been something to catch my eye in pictures and in books. "Fascinated" does not even express how these "celestial bodies" make me feel. 
                 What a beautiful creation on God's part! Its amazing how the sun can penetrate the north and south poles of the earth and through small photons and the mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, such a beautiful creation can be brought about. Reds and Oranges, Greens and Blues, filling the night sky; Our world's splendor at its finest. All glory to God.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Music

Ella Fitzgerald
           For some reason I've been just been into old music like Ella Fitzgerald and Nat King Cole recently. Why? Well, for one thing, its a nice change of pace, but more than that, I just enjoy listening to "upbeat/ jazzy" stuff lately. Its just so classic. Even though the music is old, its not overbearing like some 80's stuff and its good for everything. Whether its reading or scrap-booking or blogging...Its just.... timeless. Even old-sounding music sung in french has been absolutely acute to my musical tastes. Saxophones, trumpets, and piano notes have been heard through my side of the house lately that's for sure. I mean how can lyrics like these not make you swoon? 

"Stars shining bright above you, 
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singin’ in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me"

              Maybe another reason I love this music so much is because I love the era it was famous in. The whole idea of going out to swing-dance has always kept me beyond interested. I think some day I'll take up swing-dancing lessons and really get into it. Sounds like fun to me!

Favorite "Oldies":
Smile - Nat King Cole
La Javanse - Madeleine Peyroux
Dream a Little Dream - Micheal Buble'
                                         My Romance - Ella Fitzgerald
                                           L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole